Global Commodity Trading Company
The business of Berium Group is segmented into three main divisions which cover international trading and comprehensive supply chain solutions: Energy Resources, Metals & Minerals and Agricultural Commodities.
We continuously work on connecting commodity producer countries to the consuming countries and expertly managing relationships by providing comprehensive supply chain solutions on both sides of the market.
Quality and EfficiencyBerium Group is steadfast in delivery of highest quality products and exceptional service. We aim to establish long term relationship with clients with the intention of becoming their preferred commodity supply partner. We ship commodities in bulk vessels, containers, planes or by road – we always take the quickest route from the origin to the destination. You decide whether we should deliver the commodities to your store, your warehouse or a trading partner for further processing. For some of our commodities, we can add value by financing, risk management; blending, labelling & branding, bagging, repackaging and superior responsiveness in terms of order fulfillment, technical support and specialized customer service. |
Your gateway to AfricaOur value proposition as a diversified global commodity trading company is our unique market intelligence, knowledge and in-depth experience in Africa. We are your reliable gateway to Africa’s commodity value chain. To increase coordination, stability and sustainability throughout our international commodities supply chain, Berium Group engages in both vertical and horizontal cooperation across upstream, midstream and downstream sectors. We offer our partners and clients the necessary resources to improve productivity, maximize their potential and capture market share. |
Transparency in Trading & SupplyAs a global commodity trading company, transparency is at core of our operations. We can offer you complete transparency for your supply chain with our own supply chain management tools. After placing an order for any of our commodities, we guarantee end-to-end monitoring facilities to check the progress made by consignments – anywhere in the world at any time. With our robust track & trace systems, you always know where your commodities are while in transit or in storage. |
Commodity Supply Chain ContinuityWe optimize the flows of goods and form the link between global producers, processors and final customers. In addition to providing rapid and reliable transport operations, we offer other value-added services, which can benefit our customers too. |